
Undertaking a name I have always wanted to undertake, doing something I have always wanted to do.

The Starbearer

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our Bravest Warrior

The evening Sun shined dimly on his face, he still looked as if he was sleeping, he still looked frightening, he still looked like a man who would never surrender,
I sat beside him and looked into those lifeless eyes and thought : Why had Our Bravest Warrior left us when we needed him most ? I began to wonder.

He always told us that crying wasn't for warriors, yet I tried to hold my tears back, he always told us never to look down, never in the face of danger to cave,
Yet today as the cool, soothing breeze flows through his silky hair, I can be cold; I can be heartless; I can be anything but brave.

All those wonderful stories he told about the King were just memories now, they meant nothing anymore, even in the face of death he always stood up for what's right,
To the fire in our hearts he was a burning fuel, to the sadness in our minds he was a wide smile, to the darkness in our souls, he was a bright light.

This war was what kept him alive, he said, it was because he wanted to be here in the greatest army of the world that he was still living, he wanted to win,
The world had made him a brave person for he always fought for his life, the world had made him stronger than anyone else for even in the face of death, his face had a huge grin.

He told us he had a beautiful daughter, oh how she would cry for him, how would she live; Death was a horrible misfortune and yet it had come today,
Death was a tragedy only for the living; We felt the loss for we had lost our leader, we felt pain for he wasn't with us anymore, he went away.

He motivated us even in the most horrible of times and told us we would walk out alive no matter what, we would go back home with a victory, we would go back home to our wife,
He had kept his word for we were still breathing, he gave up his own to save us; He had kept his word and he paid for it with his life.

Come tomorrow, we decided, we were going to take this place down, we would fight with our swords like we never fought before; if not for anyone, we would fight for him,
We would hold up our heads high and walk the long hard road, even if it fell dark for everyone; even if, inside our hearts we felt dim.

The clouds now covered the evening Sun in all it's gray, it looked like it was about to rain, the sky began to thicken in gray foam,
It was time, we were told and as we lifted his palanquin on our shoulders and began the journey, beneath silent tears, we realized - we were taking Our Bravest Warrior .... Home.

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